Sunday, August 26, 2007

Happy Birthday, Cooper!

My baby is 2! It's hard to believe two years have passed so quickly. He was just 2 months old in this picture-

A new, little redheaded baby boy. I remember wanting to do a black and white shot back then but I couldn't bear not showing his true colors. He's been such a blessing in our lives. He's a bundle of energy and 100% all boy. In fact, he's pretty widely known for his boxing prowess already. He also loves wrestling with his big brother. He's obsessed with Buzz Lightyear and we're pretty sure that he wants to be a superhero when he grows up. We are so thankful for the 2 years we've had with him to date and we look so forward to watching him grow as the years pass. Thank you for being you, Cooper! We love you! Happy Birthday!


Hubba's Thoughts said...
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Hubba's Thoughts said...

WOW, Lish!!! That cake is great. You made it sound like his cake wasn't a big deal, but I think you did a great job.. I just can't wait to come taste it!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

WOW!! That cake is awesome!!

Happy birthday Cooper!! It's so neat that he looks so much like he did at two months! What a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Cooper. You are all boy and now the terrible two's.

supermommysquared said...

Happy Birthday Cooper!! He looks so big blowing out his candles and that cake is great!

Anonymous said...

Hey baby, I am waiting your next post so I can keep up with you.; )
Gwen wanted to tell you about Coleman. When she was talking to him, he went on and on about how great your cakes were and how he was going to try them all.Gwen thought that was great.

Love ya

Team Furnival said...

Lish! You are getting so good at those cakes! I am thoroughly impressed by your creativity and talent!

Susie PSU said...

Was that rocket on his cake more cake?? Could you eat that thing????? WOW. That's why I go to a bakery, I

Anonymous said...

oh, Gwen told me also that Coleman told her how great his mommy was. It is nice that you are Colemans hero.


Anonymous said...

I have had trouble getting on to this site until now. What a wonderful cake!! And look at Cooper at 2 months! He already had that boxing fist prepared! We should have seen it coming!! LOL

Nona loves you, you little red-headed cutie!

Love you, too, Alicia! Great work...the boy and the cake!


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