Tuesday, October 07, 2008

My Itty-Bitty Athletes.

This past week brought a couple firsts. Cooper's first extra-curricular activity, itty-bitty football classes, and Coleman's first tae kwon do class. Cooper has taken to football like a fish to water. No surprises here. He's always been very coordinated and seems to take to sports just naturally. Here he is playing running back. Go Coops!

Coleman really seems to enjoy tae kwon do! I just love that he approaches everything he does with the pure intent of having fun. No competitiveness. No feeling silly or embarassed. He just goes for it. Makes me wish I were more like that. I continue to learn so much from him. Funny boy.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun to watch your children expand their horizons and build upon their gifts and talents?? Now you know why I always enjoyed taking you all to dance class, ball games, chorus practise, etc. Warms a mother's heart!!!! A grandmother's, too.


Hubba's Thoughts said...

Cute videos!! It's fun to see your kids really try and something that's important to them... I just smiled when I watched Madi in dance today.. She's trying real hard too.. Keep up the good work guys!

Cami said...

How fun!! He looks great and what a blast. It is so fun being a sports mom and watching your kids. You get so much satisfaction seeing them do their stuff. All that Mom Pride is precious. Love it!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

They are so cute! That is awesome that each of them has found a sport that they enjoy!

Suspension Bridges said...

They both looked so cute. Cooper is a good runner.

Team Furnival said...

That's cute! I didn't know they started football so young!

Anonymous said...

I took all of you to classes, games,etc. also. Not only to you get to see your children and their talents, you get to see untalented they are in some things. Like Alicia in basketball (who begged me as her coach) Don't put me in! OK it was all fun anyway.


Anonymous said...

Will must be loving LIFE-SPORTS and HIS BOYS (a match made in heaven:)!!! -Am

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