Sunday, June 14, 2009

A couple videos from Park City trip.

We got back from Park City on Friday after spending 3 nights at the Westgate Resort. Nice to get away for a few days. Will says this was our "appetizer" vacation since we are leaving this Saturday to go back East for nearly a month. That must be the main course. Ha ha! Anyway, I spent my time in Park City keeping the boys entertained while Will went to his meetings, etc. Just wanted to post a couple videos of the boys that I captured while we were there.


Hubba's Thoughts said...

Fun!! I have never been to the Olympic park before! Looks great!

KayeLynne said...

Looks like you had a great time. It is fun to watch the boys get so excited. I could probably sit and watch that for hours.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh those two are too cute for words!!! How much fun to have two adorable boys like that?!? I hope you guys have a great/safe vacation back east. Love ya! Am

Team Furnival said...

It sounds like he said, "Ah Man, No Underwear!"

Anonymous said...

That is awesome that you get to come East for close to a month! Hope you have a great trip!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Ooops--last comment was from me! I accidentally picked anonymous!

Cami said...

Holy cow! The jumps were awesome! I need to go there too. Wow! Also... love the nonsense talk. My Heidi sings nonsense. Same idea, different soundtrack. :) Have fun back East!

Ashley & Matthew Lisonbee said...

I am wanting to do CharLee a white "king" like cake for his baptism first week in September. How do I place an order with you:)? Maybe if you can give me your # I can call you with what I am thinking.
Ashley Lisonbee

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