Saturday, April 28, 2007

An April Run for Olivia

Our first 5k of the season! This one was to benefit a baby girl who lost her mom in a freak house explosion a couple of months ago in a neighboring town. You could tell that the whole community was affected by this tragedy by the sheer amount of people that showed up to run. There were a sea of runners! The race itself was challenging and fun. Practically the entire first half of the run was uphill! But I love a challenge! Here's a pic of us right before the race started.

I did well. Coming in at just under 30 minutes. Will had to push the stroller so he took a little longer, about 36 minutes. I don't envy him one bit having to push that stroller uphill. He's such a stud! After our race was finished, the boys had races, too! Coleman competed in the 3-5 yr old race running 400 meters! He was so excited and did a great job. Not really a focused runner but that will come with age. ;) Here he is lined up at the starting line.

And running his little heart out.

Cooper ran, too. The 0-2 yr old race was 100 meters and I guess you could say that he was a bit unfocused, also. He kept trying to turn around and race back to the starting line. This video was taken just as Will turned him back around in the right direction.

They both got blue ribbons and cookies when they finished. Coleman was so proud! I'm not sure that Cooper really knew what was going on but he loved being outside all morning.

Here are a few more pics from this morning.

I even got to see Connie (one of my college roommates) since she came up with her kids to run, too! It's always great to see her!

What a fun way to spend a sunny Saturday morning! Next one is in 2 weeks!


Jonathan's Mommy said...

Wow--you rock!! Sounds and looks like a pretty perfect day! Both of your boys are SO cute!!

supermommysquared said...

Your family is so beautiful! It sounds like a great Saturday.

Jen & the Claw said...

Wow, great job you guys! Definitely looking thin and in shape...all of you! What a great way to support the community and keep yourselves healthy! I think we need to get on the band wagon and starting jogging outside with Talon. Have a great Sunday!

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