Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter weekend.

What a fun Easter weekend we had! The picture above is us in our Easter best. The weekend started out Saturday with our neighborhood's 2nd annual Easter Egg Hunt and potluck brunch. Coleman and Cooper had a great time finding Easter eggs and we had fun visiting with the neighbors. Here's some video of the boys hunting for Easter eggs around the playground at the park behind our house.

And a pic of mom, Will and the boys eating brunch afterwards.

Easter morning, Coleman and Cooper woke up and found their Easter baskets. Here's Coleman with his.

He was so excited that the Easter bunny remembered that his favorite color was blue and just gave him blue eggs. He had fun searching through all the treasures in his basket. Cooper, on the other hand, found his basket and just started throwing everything in it against the wall. I can't say that I was surprised at all, though. He pretty much chucks everything within his reach.

Later, we packed up and drove to Roy for church with Chad, Yulia and the boys. After church we went to their house and had Easter dinner and the boys had an Easter egg hunt in the front yard.

They found all the eggs in no time flat and ran inside to check out the treats inside.

All in all, it was a great holiday weekend and we are all now officially in sugar detox for the next few days!


Jonathan's Mommy said...

You guys look so beautiful in your picture! It looks like you had MUCH better weather than we did!

Jen & the Claw said...

Your family picture looks awesome! Did you do that yourself or did you have that done? Easter is so much fun for kids (and parents too because they also get some candy!) We miss you guys. We should get together sometime and go out and have a picnic or something. Let us know when you are free!

supermommysquared said...

It looks like you had so much fun! Our weather was awful, but hopefully next year it will be pretty and Hailey will have more fun Easter egg hunting. I am not quite sure she understood this year.

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