Saturday, July 12, 2008

The mother lode.

My mom left yesterday to go visit my brother in Roy. It was great having her here all the way from West Virginia. She stayed with us for about 4 weeks and it was fun for the boys to get to spend some time with their Nona.

We definitely used her for lots of free babysitting but I felt she needed to clock in some manual labor, too, so I made her help me put together the boys new swingset before we left for California. My mom and I are both very left-brained people. I knew she'd be a great wing man on this project and she was. Here are some action shots. By the way, you weren't supposed to smile in your picture mom. This is manly work. We needed to look fierce and focused (ie. my awesome screw-placing skills photo.)
The finished project. I just need to finish up the roof still. Will is going to put in some pre-washed pea gravel, too. It was a grueling couple of days that we worked on it. The first day was like from sun up to sun down. Mom was a trooper, though. The day after we finished Will and I took off on a relaxing trip to the beach but for Mom there was no rest for the weary. She had to watch the boys for 3 days. Sorry, Mom! But thank you! Funny story, Coleman's Sunday school teacher told him how cool she thought his new playset was and he apparently got very offended and told her, "It's not a playset. It's a park!" Indeed it is!


Anonymous said...

Well Coleman was right to correct his Sunday school teacher!:) That is the coolest "park" ever! Even cooler that you and your mom put it together-GIRL POWER:)-AM

Anne Marie said...

Wow, that is quite the playset! I'm impressed!!! Good job! Your boys are going to LOVE it.

Jonathan's Mommy said...

You and your mom look super cute! Love the new blog look!

I am so jealous of the playset--I would like to play on that myself! Too bad you live so far away because I would totally invite Jonathan and myself over!

Team Furnival said...

Very impressive that you were able to put that together! We have one and I know how hard it is! Way to go! It will be the new babysitter now that your mom is gone.

Hubba's Thoughts said...

Pretty immpressive!! I don't think I could tackle that on my own. I leave that stuff up to Gary. I must say that I did use his drill the other day while we was at work.. I will take it nice and slowly.. Maybe some day I'll work up to your level of expertise!! Good job Lisha & Mom!! Looks great! It was fun seeing your mom again. She is so sweet and so nice to Madi too! I can see where you get it from!!

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