Sunday, July 13, 2008

No lullabies required.

Cooper gave up his afternoon naps probably 5-6 months ago. He sleeps plenty at night so it's usually not a problem. But, every once in awhile, he gets really tired and it always hits him right at dinner time. I'm convinced that he spends so much time running around that he doesn't even realize that he's tired until he sits down at the table to eat. And here's what happens.

Yup, that would be his head in his plate! I totally get that a full belly can make you want to take a nap (like after eating at Tucano's. Oh, the humanity!) but falling asleep on your plate is another level of tired. That's like "I-had-one-too-many" tired. But I promise there are no drunk babies here. Maybe I had better check the label on that strawberry lemonade again...

Last Sunday we caught him in the act. Every Sunday night, Cooper helps me make cookies but I wasn't sure he was going to be able to stay awake. Watch him fall asleep while eating salmon by the handfuls.

It's amazing how kids can fall asleep anywhere doing anything. I have Coleman on video when he was 2 sleeping standing up on two different occasions! Sleeping while standing! Now that's tired!


Jonathan's Mommy said...

That is too funny! We still have naps at our house and I am happy we do because, otherwise, I would be like Cooper by Sunday night!

Jen & the Claw said...

That is too funny! Talon seemed to do that a lot when he was younger and still does. Your new blog template is AWESOME. I love it! Unfortunately, La has asked me to not have a pink background for our blog. So, off I go to the to get a new look myself!

Hubba's Thoughts said...

That's pretty dang cute! You should send that in to AFHV... Coleman would DIE if he saw Cooper on that!!

Team Furnival said...

That is hilarious! I love it! And yay for an early bed time! I have thought about calling you lots of times but it seems when we come it is always for such a short time- little whirlwind trips. It's too hard to spend the night anymore with all the kids. We are not really welcome at anyone's house with the big crowd that we have (or at least we don't feel right about it) and it's too much effort to stay the night and get overnight stuff ready for everyone. Maybe one of these days....

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