My boys are so sweet! Somehow Will found time to put together a gift with Coleman that was really unforgettable! After church yesterday, Coleman gave me a shoebox that was covered in his drawings. Upon opening the box, I realized that there were several little presents and they were all numbered. I started with box #1 and opened it to find a slip of paper that said, "I will clean the kitchen and toy room." Will took Coleman right away and they cleaned up toy room (the kitchen was already clean) while I waited to open my next gift. After the toy room was clean I opened gift #2 and wrote on it was "Dipidee treats for a sweet mommy!" and it was 2 boxes of gourmet chocolates from a local sweets store, Dipidee. (Yum!) Box #3 read "Time for Mommy's pedicure!" and inside was a new bottle of pink nail polish. Will grabbed a big bowl of hot water for me to soak my feet in and then massaged my feet, dried them off and Coleman painted Mommy's toenails. It was so cute how excited he was to take care of me. I don't care that there is nail polish all over my toes. It was the best pedicure I've ever had! LOL! Gift #4 was a gourmet meal cooked by Will. (Gourmet means cooked on the grill because that's all the cooking Will does.) We had blackened salmon, rice pilaf and salad. It was fantastic! And last, but certainly not least, gift #5 was a card made for me by Coleman. He wrote Happy Mother's Day on the front and signed his and Cooper's name and wrote We Love You on the inside.

The perfect ending to such a perfect day! Thanks, Sweetheart, for letting me sit back and reflect on why it's so wonderful to be a mommy! I love my boys, all 3 of them!
1 comment:
Awww! So sweet! That was really thoughtful! I can't wait for Talon to be older to appreciate his mom!!! LOL! You'll have to frame that card or laminate it so that you don't ever lose it or ruin it! It's definitely a keeper!
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