Saturday, May 12, 2007

The sun is back! Time to get going!

At our house, we merely "survive" the winter. When the sun starts shining in the spring it breathes new life into our whole family. We've gotten busy with new activities around here. Coleman started his itty-bitty ball class this past Monday. It's really fun for him. He is on an assigned team (the A's) and he and his team go from station to station learning about the basics of baseball. (He won't start t-ball until next summer.) Here's video of him learning how to round the bases-

He really has a lot of fun. They learn how to hit the ball, how to catch, round the bases, some of the common terms used in baseball and they finish every class with a good old-fashioned relay race. Here's video of him in the relay-

We also got out this morning and ran another 5k at the Jr High where Will works. We took the boys and the jogging stroller with us again only to find out when we got there that we had a flat tire. Thankfully, one of Will's co-workers offered to watch the boys while we ran. This race was definitely a lot different than the last one we did. There were only about 20 runners at this race and most of them were students at the Jr. High. This race just wasn't very well organized. In fact, the race itself ended up being 2.6 miles instead of the full 3.1 miles (which really helped my time but wasn't really accurate.) My time was 25 minutes flat but I figured it out that if it had been the full 3.1 miles I would've run it in about 29 minutes something- which is average for me. Will was a couple minutes behind me. (Smoked him without his "I had to push the boys" excuse!) Here's a pic of us after the race-

I missed my tennis this morning because of the race but will make up my lesson on Tuesday. Will's off to play golf later this afternoon. Welcome back, sun! We missed you!!!

1 comment:

Jonathan's Mommy said...

You guys always look SO cute in your family pictures! I am happy to see you have a new post and I look forward to more now that the sun is here and thus more photo ops!

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